Production of sounds with the help of probes Rau F.A.
The making of wheezing sounds
Interdental sigmatism
To sound the sound [s], probe No. 2 is used (motor-kinesthetic sensations are included in the work). The probe is inserted first flat, and then pushes the tongue into the mouth to the base of the lower incisors and fixes the tip of the tongue at their base (using the loop of probe No. 2)
Primal sigmatism
The main goal – the development of proper articulation: the lowering of the tip of the tongue to the base of the lower teeth. We introduce the probe No. 2 flat, lower the tip of the tongue with the loop of the probe to the bottom of the lower incisors, fixing it in this position.
You can also use:
probe number 4. We enter the probe and press it on the back of the tongue;
probe number 3. We lay across the tongue and press on the back, the tip is lowered.
Lateral sigmatism
The main goal is to close the oral cavity from the sides and create a groove along the midline of the tongue to reproduce the correct articulation of the whistlers.
We use probe # 1 or probe # 3; lay on the middle line and pull down.
When staging from the phoneme [t], we use the probe number 2 (if the child does not rest the tip of the tongue in the gums of the lower incisors). When staging from the combination – the probe number 4 or number 3, to lower the back of the tongue and get [s] from [s’].
Nasal sigmatism
The main goal is to work out the correct direction of the vocal breathing jet so that it passes through the mouth and lift the soft palate so that it rises and presses against the back wall of the pharynx.
After the operation, to activate the soft palate, a hard palate massage is required.
Passive gymnastics of the muscles of the soft palate probe No. 1 is performed, the tip of which must be wrapped in a sterile bandage: we draw a dash on the boundary between a hard and soft sky and quickly remove the probe, causing a vomiting reflex).
Sizzling sigmatism
The main goal – to develop the correct sound of whistling sounds, differentiate them from sizzling sounds.
We use the interdental pronunciation of sound [s] (the tongue is inserted between the teeth), after fixing this articulation with probe # 2 we translate the tongue into a denticulate position.
Instead of using the interdental articulation, you can use probe # 3, probe # 4 and lower the raised back of the tongue.
Sizzling sounds
The sound [sh] of sound [s]
With the prolonged pronunciation of the sound [s] into the oral cavity, we smoothly introduce the probe No. 5 (the angle of ascent is individual).
Similarly, the sound [zh] is produced from the sound [z].
The production of sound [zh] from sound [r]
When you pronounce the sound; with a gradual decrease in the exhalation force, we insert probe No. 5 under the tip of the tongue, after that we ask the child to bring his teeth together and round their lips.
The production of sound [sch]
When uttering; Introduce flat probe # 5 and slightly lift the tongue up and push it back. After that, press the corners of the mouth to round the lips. We get “asch”.
Sound setting [ch]
When pronouncing the syllable, use probe # 5 to lift and push the tongue back, then round off the lips.
Statement of sonors
The production of the sounds [r], [r’]
The statement of the sounds [r], [r’] assumes two stages
At the first stage it is necessary to work out a fricative sound (without vibration of the tip of the tongue). As a basis, the sounds [x], [w] (upper articulation) are taken. These sounds are pronounced slowly, without rounding the lips. The tip of the tongue moves forward to the alveoli.
At the second stage, the sound is processed. ball probe for the production of oscillatory movements under the tongue from one side to the other, thus, we get the vibration of the tip of the tongue. The sound [p ‘] is placed after [p]. In this case, solid sound is combined into syllables with a vowel softening it. A ball probe is also used for setting [r’]. Sound is placed on the syllables of si, azi.
Sound setting [l]
The production of sound [l] by imitation is extremely rare.
The most effective way of setting the sound [l] is to use probe # 3, probe # 4, probe # 5.
Setting of medium and back sounds
Sound setting [k]
The original sound is taken by the syllable “ta”. The child repeats it many times. At the same time, using probe No. 6 and probe No. 5, press down on the tip of the tongue, pushing it slightly back into the mouth.
When this sound is produced, three stages are performed:
I stage. The probe №6 is inserted into the oral cavity. Push the tip of the tongue, pushing it slightly inward, while the child pronounces the syllable “ta”, it is necessary to achieve pronouncing “ta”.
II stage. The language is pushed even deeper, when pronouncing the syllable “ta” and even pushing the tongue deeper into the mouth by inserting two loops of the probe # 6, we get the syllable “cha”.
Stage III. With a deeper pushing of the tongue into the oral cavity by inserting three loops of probe No. 6, we get the syllable “ka”.
All three stages of the production can not be done in one lesson. For each stage there are several classes.
It is better to put the child on the couch, head to hang (you can sit with your head thrown back), which facilitates the process of mechanical impact on the tongue (it is conditionedly reflexively pulled back).
When the sound [g] is taken as the original, we take the syllable “da”, with repeated pronunciation in the oral cavity, we introduce the probe # 5 or the probe # 6, we get “dya”, after “gya”, “ha”.
Sound setting [h].
For the original takes the syllable “sa”, which is repeatedly pronounced, into the mouth enter probe # 5 or probe # 6. At the first stage, we get “sia”, on the second “hia”, on the third “ha”.
Sound setting [yyy].
For the original take the syllable “za” (we use the probe # 5 and probe # 6).Push the tongue into the mouth. At the first stage we get “zia”, on the second “ya”, on the third “yyy”.
Production of sounds using probes Volkova LS
The setting of whistling
Sound setting [s].
When pronouncing the syllable “ta” repeatedly between the alveoli and the tip (and also the front part) of the tongue, probe # 2 is inserted and slightly pushed down. A round gap forms through which the exhaled air stream produces a whistling noise. By controlling the probe, it is possible to change the size of the slit to obtain the desired acoustic effect.
Sound setting [ts].
The sound [ts] is set from the sound [t]
When pronouncing the syllable “ats” with probe number 2, the speech therapist holds the tip of the tongue at the lower incisors or places the probe No. 2 between the front part of the tongue and the teeth and asks the child to say “ta”. At the moment the child pronounces an explosive element of the syllable, the speech therapist lightly presses on the tongue.
Setting sizzling
Sound setting [sh].
When the syllable “sa” is repeated, the speech therapist inserts probe # 5 under the tongue. With it, the tip of the tongue is moved to the upper position and adjusts the degree of lifting until the sound [sh] appears.
Similarly, the sound [zh] is produced from the sound [z].
The setting of the sound [zh] from the sound [r].
When pronouncing the sound “rr” with a gradual decrease in the exhalation force, we insert probe No.5 under the tip of the tongue, after that we ask the child to pull together his teeth and round his lips.
Sound setting [ch].
The sound [ch] is set from the sound [t]
When pronouncing the syllable “ti” or “ati” with probe No. 5, raise and move the tongue back, then round off the lips.
Statement of sonors
The statement of the sounds [r], [r’] is analogous to the method of FA Rau
Sound setting [l]
The production of sound [l] by imitation is extremely rare.
The most effective way of setting the sound [l] is using probe # 4.
Setting of medium and back sounds
The sound [k], [g], [h] is produced analogously to the technique of F.A. Rau.
We use probe # 5, probe # 6, probe # 7.
The sound of “y”
For the original take the syllable “za” (we use the probe number 5, probe number 6, probe number 7). Push the tongue into the mouth. At the first stage we get “za”, on the second “ya”, on the third “y”.